Monday, August 14, 2017

Ocean and dreams

This weekend I was on a mini vacation with some school friends at a hotel it was super fun !
Friday we went out to eat and then we went to the beach and stayed till around 1:00 am just casually talking on the beach late at night. 
You know me I have to talk to my Lwa that reside in the ocean as I wasnt home no candle was burning for any spirit besides a particular spirit. I did miss them even though they go wherever I go.I take a bit of the water wash my hands and feet to cleanse myself sing a little song for them. 

At the ocean with the yachts and a pier.

The next day I wake up make food for me and my friend mind you we are still at the hotel. After I made food I go through my email and some messages. I go and take a nap for about an hour or so. My spirits come in my dream two of my spirits. I wont go into detail of my dream. I am home now. 

Its monday so I take care of my ancestors I give them fresh water light a candle for them and my Madama who I serve with my ancestors. I light some incense like three kings or I make a special blend if the week was a bit heavier than usual. I go through out my room and and also all my altars.

Pool at a resort next to the ocean.
I dont burn incense for everyone cause some dont like it. Incense to me helps to keep a spiritual flow and also keep certain things you really dont want away far away. I say my prayers while I burn my incense.

This was a lovely weekend.

thank you for reading hope to see you in a next blog ! 


  1. any incense is good?
    since i am a chinese we normally use incense, but i was born in Philippines, my mother is spanish-filipina.
    we also offer fruits for our dead relatives, so many traditional to follow but ia m not sure if any incense is okay for bruning while praying.
    we have Sanxing (deities)Trinity
    who are Fu- prosperity, Lu- happiness, and Shou - longetivity.
    Is it okay to put them on altar with incense?

    1. I dont know of your tradition I would research this online or ask an elder of this tradition.
