Thursday, August 3, 2017

Late nights

This year and the last few weeks have been good its about 12 am right now cant sleep. I am fortunate to work when I can. I ordered a doll for one of my lwa it came in today and let me tell you its beautiful. The doll kinda smells like vanilla. At the moment I am near my altar writing this the presence of the lwa is undeniably here and strong !

I get to rest for a week or so before my last year of school starts after that I dont know how or if I even have the guts to continue my studies. Being on my own doesn't scare me but the going to a somewhat foreign land kinda does. Plus Haiti is like a 150-250 dollar flight away.

Me and my pops have been planning big things and I am always telling my spirits to make it happen cause when I ask them for things they make it happen and fast. I am always thanking and also show my gratitude to my spirits. I do have something I promised and also they ask me I will get them soon for them god willing.

Back to the going to a foreign country. I cant wait to finish school yet I am terrified when it does my dream is to be a Pharmacist literally lol if you get that serious joke. It will take me a minimum of 10 years of intense studying. I love studying but I am also lazy and also where I am going is there enough space for all my spirit and its going to be a big big change for them and me.
Where I dream I wouldn't say plan is cold and also fire alarm aka devils siren.

Ogou is gonna need lots of blankets cause its gonna get super cold. Also it rains allot so thats gonna be a problem its never clear 70% of the year its cloudy.  I am ranting I know sorry but a little not sorry bout it.

Anyways my lovely people who reads my blog leave pretty and shiny comments below I love reading comments see ya in a next blog.

for now I will leave you with this song to Ogou Balize I love it !

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